Sunday, August 8, 2010

this ain't a fairytale

GUESS WHO FAILED THEIR UPCAT YESTERDAY??! i'm just kidding, i won't know the severity of my failure until February.My optimism just shines through, doesn't it. (Oh yeah, for you non-Filipinos, the UPCAT is the entrance exam for the University of the Philippines. It's the biggest school here, i think. And it's definitely got the most diverse student population in the country.)

Well this is an exceptionally scary picture of me. I'm with Diablo, the sexy stallion. He's been in the front lawn of the house I'm renting ever since we got here. He's a little "avant garde" (?) for my family's taste but we decided to just leave him be, since he's pretty much drilled into the ground. I've been dying to take pictures with him for ages. And RESULT!! He has proven to be quite natural in front of the camera.
I tried to fix my photos because it was so rainy and my camera lens fogged up. The results are a bit trippy, but I like it. Isn't life just awesome? 

Vintage top, skirt and belt
River Island heels
Guest star : Diablo the Stallion (whhhhuuuuuutttssss)

Dont hate me coz you aint me!